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Procrastination And How To Beat It

Procrastination And How To Beat It

Introduction   You sit down at your desk, ready to start your workday. But then you check your email, see a few notifications pop up on your screen, and before you know it, an hour has passed and you haven’t even started on what you were supposed to do. If...
Applying 80/20 Rule So You Can Be A Great Boss

Applying 80/20 Rule So You Can Be A Great Boss

Introduction   The 80/20 rule is one of the most fundamental mathematical principles that we learn in business school. It basically states that 80% of your effects come from 20% of your actions. In other words, if you want to improve something, you will have to...
Getting Your Thoughts Organized In 10 Minutes

Getting Your Thoughts Organized In 10 Minutes

Introduction   You know the feeling. You’re trying to focus on a task but your thoughts are darting all over the place, making it impossible to concentrate. It’s frustrating, and can even lead to anxiety. But there is a solution! This article will...